Media Consumption:
1)I don't read newspapers.
2)If I was to read a newspaper I would turn to the page with McDonald offers.
3)I never read the sections with the most writing and no pictures.
4)I don't really read books as much.
6)I don't really look at newspapers online.
1)I don't really buy magazines.
2)I don't read magazines.
1)I don't really watch TV I watch Netflix on social media
2)Don't watch television
3)I mostly like TV series like Power, fresh prince of bel air, how to get away with murder etc.This is because I find them really interesting and most of their genre includes drama which I enjoy watching as well as comedies.
4)Sometimes I watch it alone and sometimes I watch it with friends. Most of the time we have the same taste so we watch the same things
5)I don't watch live TV but I do watch on demand on my laptop and my phone.
1)No don't listen to the radio
4)While in working as we have to listen to it
5)I listen to the radio during Work or in the car.
6)I work while listening to the radio .
7)No one else in my family really listen to the radio.
1)Last month I watched Girls trip and Annabelle creation.
2)Other films I've watched via social media are the other woman, ride along, brotherhood,think like a man, etc.
3)Mostly my friends
4)We both came to an agreement as we have common taste.
5)I use either my laptop, phone, tablet and sometimes tv.
1)I access the internet everyday.
2)I access the internet at home, at school at work and when I go out.
3)The main sites I access are Netflix, Snapchat and Instagram.
4)The main reasons are to communicate with my friends and watch movies.
5)Other activities i do are watch TV programmes
6)I mostly use my phone and my laptop to access the internet
7)I mostly use Instagram and Snapchat to communicate on social media.
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